Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rene X-O, the Philosopher

Friday, September 26, 2008

Rene X-O, the Philosopher

It is like Christmas in September--my son's third child, arriving at last, 7lbs. 7oz., brows furrowed, gazing at us with quizzical eyes, looking very much like a little philosopher. "Where am I?" he seems to be saying."What manner of creatures art thou?"

My daughter-in-law, his mother, gives him the "You are my Sweetheart" nuzzle. She is as smitten with him as one could be with overwhelming love--love as mighty as the ocean, that can move mountains and trees, love that a mother knows is intrinsic to all that moves life into being.

My son, conscious of the Great Mother before him, aligns himself with the flow. Even the children seem to understand that there is no greater power than what is manifested here--in someone who can create and bear life, someone who has their lives in tow as well. They have been making birthday cards for their baby brother weeks before his due date--pictures filled with towering stick mothers and smiling little faces.

Mimi ( my not quite 4 grand-daughter) decided two months ago that the baby would be called EX-XO.

"What does it mean?' I ask her.

"You know, X-O, what you write to someone you love."

So X-O he is--this baby with a squinting frown, affectionately called by his family here-- Rene X-O, the Philosopher.

His older brother finds the occasion no less profound. "Was I this small?" he asks his mother. He places his baby brother's hand into his own and marvels at what seven years have done.

I hold the baby at my breast and I can hear my late husband putting in his two cents' worth :"The baby is a Gift."

Indeed he is!!! X-O, To Us With Love, A Gift from Infinity taking a holiday whirl with us in our three-dimensional world. X-O yawns, his frown now settling into quiet peace. In the midst of our laughter, he falls asleep, trusting that all is well in this place called home.

As I said before, everyday is Christmas here!

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