What is the Heart Meditation?
During meditation, the heart becomes a holographic, electromagnetic field enabling an individual to experience the sum total of the universe.
In The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit (Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 2002), Joseph Chilton Pearce relates an incident that happened to him in his biology class decades ago. Two lonely heart cells (taken from a dying rodent), in Petri dishes placed side by side , stopped fibrillating (spasmodic pulsing before death) and resumed regular simultaneous pulsing with each other. Why? A heart cell produces strong electromagnetic signals that can extend more than several feet beyond its boundaries. When placed side by side, these two isolated heart cells became part of a resonating field.
One can understand the powerful synchrony generated by friendly encounters. Love can literally be understood as resonance between cells. The Heart Meditation, which focuses on centering the heart and connecting with a universal source of energy, is a simple way to increase the coherent power of transcendence , the power of healing with love that lies within the heart’s electromagnetic field.
The Heart is an Electromagnetic Field
Electrocardiogram or ECG readings of the heart confirm that the human body produces an electrical field which radiates 12 to 15 feet beyond the body. Recent research suggests, as well, that the electromagnetic (or em) energy produced by the heart spirals out and curves back towards the heart in the shape of a torus, the shape of a donut ring. This torus is holographic; any point within the torus has access to the information of the whole field of the heart. This means that any point within the heart’s electromagnetic field contains all the frequencies of the heart’s spectrum.
The Holographic Power of the Heart
If electromagnetic torus fields are holographic, any point in the heart has access not only to the heart field, but also to universal information. According to Pearce, the universe is a "nested hierarchy of toroid energy systems that extend possibly from the minuscule atom to human to planet, solar system, and ultimately, the galaxy" (59). Being centered in the heart is, in effect, being centered in the universe, allowing one access to an universal source of power. This was why in the 13th century, German theologian, philosopher and mystic, Meister Eckhart, made the claim that “When God becomes Eckhart, Eckhart becomes God” (65).
The Heart Meditation
This sense of power experienced by practitioners of the Heart Meditation is created when one arrives at the point of universal connection through the heart. There are several online versions of the heart meditation which make possible this connection. The Heart Chakra Meditation from Yoga Basics is a powerful tool for releasing fear and enhancing love and compassion. Deepak Chopra’s Advanced Meditation on the Heart dissolves contraction and opens the heart to spirit and insight. Ultimately it leads one to silent assurance, acceptance and appreciation of simply being.
The heart is more than a physical organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system of the human body. It is clearly the source of man’s spiritual essence as well. Given the stressful and splintering nature of modern life, taking a daily dive into the heart meditation can restore one’s sense of purpose and wholeness.
Reprinted with permission from Mary Desaulniers
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