Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do Song Lyrics Affect Teen Behavior?

Two studies suggest that that as parents, we need to be more vigilant about what our children are listening to. One study sponsored by the National Institute for Child health and Human Development found that 51% of teenagers who listened to songs with raunchy lyrics reported having sex earlier than teenagers who listened to different types of music.

One reason suggested by lead author and psychologist Dr. Steven Martino is that music with degrading sexual content provide kids with specific messages
about women and men - that women are valued by men as sexual objects.This kind of music shapes the teenager's ideas about sex in a way that is not necessarily healthy.

Another study at the University of Pittsburgh showed that teens most exposed to "sexually degrading lyrics" were more likely to have sex than teens who had less exposure.

Parents should also note that lyrics alone might not be the only contributing factor. The environment of a teen 's life at home and at school figures predominantly in his or her decision to have sex. Family life, parental involvement and mental health are all factors that need to be looked at.

Nevertheless, we must be mindful of what our children are seeing and hearing from the media.

Source: Sarah Hughes, "Words Will Never Hurt Me," Parents Canada: March/April 2010.

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