Friday, October 8, 2010

Are ADHD Children More Prone to Depression?

Are ADHD Children More Prone to Depression?

One research study suggests that this is certainly the case. A long term study published in the October 2010 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry suggests that children with ADHD at ages 4-6 are more likely to suffer from depression as adolescents than those who did not have attention or hyperactivity issues.

The study followed 123 children diagnosed with ADHD at age4-6 and followed them for 14 years. It compared them to 120 children from similar neighborhoods and schools. 18% of children diagnosed early for the condition suffered depression, a rate 10 times higher than that among those without ADHD.

What does this mean? We, as parents, must pay extra attention to our hyperactive child, especially during the years they are negotiating their way into adolescence.

It means seeking treatment early to prevent long term problems.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent post. I believe people need to know how we can help our children change their behaviors. The post will help all those people whose children are suffering from behavioral problem.