Monday, September 28, 2009

Why Your Child Needs Omega-3!

Do you know that a mother's Omega-3 intake during the last trimester of her pregnancy can influence the sensory,cognitive and motor development of her child?

In a recent article in the Journal of Pediatrics, researchers measured the DHA concentarion in the umbilical cord of 109 infants. DHA is an omega-3 acid that influences neuronal growth in the retina which is most prominent in the last months of pregnancy.

What researchers discovered is a direct correlation between the levels of DHA in the mother's blood and the visual acuity of the baby at birth. However, little correlation is found between the baby's sight and levels of DHA in the mother's milk for infants who were breast-fed, which suggests that pregnant women with diets high in omega-3's are doing their babies a favor.

Studies have also shown that omega-3's influence the brain development of children.

Fish, a natural source of omega-3, should be a twice weekly fare for pregnant moms.

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