Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Power Lies Within Us : Balance and Coherence

The world is full of confusion on one hand; on the other, there is remarkable coherence in its natural structures. According to an article on Sacred Geometry, nothing is random in nature.

"The fundamental tenet of sacred geometry is that the universe bears the signature of divine intelligence. This power of one is a universal template that is repeated in all things, from the solar system, nature, music, to the embryonic cells of living organisms. Once the property of secret societies and mystery schools, sacred geometry has become part of modern science. Electronic microscopes and infrared technology have provided the basis for close examination of crystal structures and living tissues which, in recent years, has confirmed the idea that man and universe are indeed one in ratio and form."
There is form and order in all things; such form and order exists in us as well. It makes sense for us to access this order in our daily lives, especially when we feel unbalanced. Like tuning the string before a performance, we need to learn how to restore this balance.

The answer and the way lie within us.

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