Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Can You Do about Anger in Children?

The latest research in brain development and kids anger management can bring solutions to your anger situation at home.

Our Help Your Child With Anger Ezine does exactly that! It delivers right to your email the latest development in brain neuroplasticity, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes that are currently becoming effective tools for anger and behavior control.

For example, you'll get the latest information on the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain.

You'll get ideas on how to use this information and more to develop the self management functions of your child's brain.

Not sure about natural options for ADHD or ADD?

How can certain foods improve attention and behavior?

We will bring you the latest findings on the relationship between food and behavior, food and the brain, food and emotions.

Which musical instrument or program is best for the fidgety child? How does music tame behavior?

Find out what recent research says about the relationship between sound, voice and genetic expression.

What words, what sounds can actually change your child's attitude and behavior?

Subscribe to our monthly Ezine to find out what new technology and research in science have uncovered about the plasticity of our brain and the changeability of our genes.

Find out how lifestyle changes can help improve your child's mood, behavior and brain function.

Find out how we can empower our children to be the best they can be! There are tools and research that prove this is not only possible but do-able in our 21st Century!

Subscribe to this monthly Ezine and you won't miss a thing!

It's simple-- just click here!


Unknown said...

This sounds like a great piece or reading material to subscribe to. I certainly didn't know that certain foods could help with anger. Thanks for putting this information out.

h said...

Great post. I think a piece of writing that can teach people anger managment tips in relation to their children will be quite a useful too for many parents.